It's been 18 years and still funny as fuck
It's been 18 years and still funny as fuck
I'm impressed with this animation, but one flaw that annoys me is making Marc a unlikable dipshit
Other than that, good series
I'm glad you enjoyed the episode !
Please consider animating instead of using a camera filter
its motion tracking man
Good shit
thanks we worked really hard on it
Huge world man, have a good 18th!
Ah a fellow sfm user! this will be good.
Decent animation and punchline, scout got what he fucking deserved.
Hahaha thanks man! I love making SFM videos in my spare time if I can, they take some time to make, months, even, depending on the animations, like punching, kicking and everything else that takes alot of time to animate, this one took me since late April to begin, all the way to today to finally compile the "finished" animations and complete it, and had to say im quite happy how it turned out! Thanks your feedback! :)
I might make a small July 4th SFM video starting today, hopefully it'll be on time by July 4th, so...Keep a lookout on that! I made one 2 years ago.
Well it felt a bit choppy, but great work anyways!
Raymond is shit tier cat
Yeap, but we still love him, LOL
SFM Animator and Voice Actor
Age 28, Male
Joined on 12/23/13